
The 2024 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2024) will be held in Bali, Indonesia, on November 17 – 20, 2024. Microwave exhibition will be held at the same venue. The steering committee is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and will consider hybrid or online format if required.

APMC 2024 will provide a broad forum for participants from both academia and industries to exchange information, share research results, and discuss collaborations in the fields of microwave, millimeter wave, terahertz wave, and even to the far infrared and optical waves.

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers on their latest research results. Papers presented at the conference will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. Proposals for workshops, short courses and special/focused sessions are also solicited.


General Chair

Fitri Yuli Zulkifli (UI, Indonesia)

General Co Chair

Arokiaswami Alphones (NTU, Singapure)

Honorary Chairs

Eko Tjipto Rahardjo (UI, Indonesia)
Wei Hong (Southeast University, Tiongkok)

Finance Chair

Catur Apriono (UI, Indonesia)


Dwi Astuti C (UHAMKA, Indonesia)
Dian Widi Astuti (UMB, Indonesia)

Technical Program Chairs

Gamantyo (ITS, Indonesia)
Mudrik Alaydrus (UMB, Indonesia)
Achmad Munir (ITB, Indonesia)

Workshop/Tutorial Chairs

Eko Setiadji (ITS, Indonesia)
Yusnita (UNRI, Indonesia)
Yuli Kurnia (Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia)
Aloysius Adya (TelU, Indonesia)

Publication Chairs

Basari (UI, Indonesia)
Bambang Setia Nugroho (TelU, Indonesia)

Awards Committee

Ke Wu (University of Montreal, Canada)
Indra Surjati (Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia)

Exhibition & Sponsorship Chairs

Yuyu Wahyu (LIPI, Indonesia)
Iskandar Fitri (UNAS, Indonesia)
M. Fauzan (UB, Indonesia)

Local Arrangement Chair

Dewa Made Wiharta (UNUD, Indonesia)

Publicity Committee:

I Gde Dharma Nugraha (UI, Indonesia)
Ruki Harwahyu (UI, Indonesia)
Yohanes Galih A

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline

The 2024 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2024) will be held in Bali, Indonesia, on November 17 – 20, 2024. Microwave exhibition will be held at the same venue. The steering committee is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and will consider hybrid or online format if required.

APMC 2024 will provide a broad forum for participants from both academia and industries to exchange information, share research results, and discuss collaborations in the fields of microwave, millimeter wave, terahertz wave, and even to the far infrared and optical waves.

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers on their latest research results. Papers presented at the conference will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. Proposals for workshops, short courses and special/focused sessions are also solicited.

Conference Topics

Active Devices and Circuits

Low-noise devices and circuits / high-power devices and circuits / wide band-gap devices / microwave tubes / control circuits (mixers, oscillators, switches, etc.) / MMICs / RFICs / millimeter-wave and THz integrated circuits / graphene devices / rectennas, and others.

Passive Components

Passive components and circuits (couplers, hybrids, and dividers/combiners) / planar and non-planar resonators, filters, and multiplexers / waveguides and transmission lines / ferrite, SAW, RF MEMS components / LTCC devices / packaging and manufacturing techniques / metamaterials / plasmonic and optical components / nanomaterials, and others.

Field Analysis, Simulation and Characterization Techniques

EM field theory / analytical methods and numerical techniques / CAD and optimization algorithms / modeling and simulation techniques for multiphysics / interaction of EM waves with materials and tissues / measurement techniques and systems from RF to THz / EMC, and others.

Antennas and Propagation

Antenna theory and design / microwave and millimeter-wave antennas / sub-THz, THz, and optical antennas / broadband and multi-band antennas / small antennas / array antennas / active, adaptive, reconfigurable, and smart antennas / MIMO antennas / digital beamforming and multi-beam systems / scattering and propagation / channel characterization / antenna measurements, and others.

Systems and Applications

Microwave and millimeter-wave systems / sub-THz and THz systems / MIMO systems / sensing and IoT/M2M/RFID systems / near-field communication systems / microwave photonic components and systems / radar and imaging systems / software defined, cognitive, and smart radio systems / satellite communication systems / wearable devices and systems / mobility systems, and others.

Emerging Technologies and Applications

5G, Beyond 5G, and 6G systems / artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in microwaves / wireless power transfer devices and systems / energy harvesting devices and systems / microwave superconductivity and quantum technologies / microwave biological and medical applications / health monitoring systems / microwave heating and chemistry applications, and others.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Nov 17



    Nov 20


  • Jul 07 2024

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Nov 20 2024

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society
Indonesia Section
Indonesia Section MTT/AP Joint Chapter
Previous Conferences