
ISAPE, a serial symposium on AP and EM Theory, always offers an active forum for exchanging creative ideas and experiences of the latest developments, designs in the areas of antennas, propagation, and electromagnetic theory for professors, researchers, engineers and excellent students all over the world. The 14th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory ISAPE2024 will be held on Oct. 23-26 in Hefei, China. All prospective papers in the areas of antennas, propagation, electromagnetic theory, computational electromagnetic, and EMC are welcome.

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Draft paper submission deadline

ISAPE, a serial symposium on antennas, propagation, and EM theory, always offers an active forum for exchanging creative ideas and experiences on the latest developments and designs in the areas of antennas, propagation, and electromagnetic theory for professors, researchers, engineers, and excellent students all over the world. The 14th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2024, will be held in Hefei, China. All prospective papers in the areas of antennas, propagation, electromagnetic theory, computational electromagnetics, and EMC are welcome. Papers submitted will be peer reviewed and accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements.




A. Antennas, Antenna Applications and Emerging Technologies

A1. Antenna Theory

A2. Antenna Feeds and Matching Circuit

A3. Microstrip Antennas, Arrays and Circuits

A4. Phased-array Antennas

A5. Electrically Small Antennas

A6. Adaptive, Active, and Smart Antennas

A7. Multi-Band Antennas

A8. Broadband/Ultra-wideband Antennas

A9. Guided and Leaky Wave Antennas

A10. Dielectric Resonator Antennas

A11. Mutual Coupling in Antenna Arrays

A12. Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays

A13. Reflector and Reflectarray Antennas

A14. Antenna Measurements

A15. FSS, Polarizers and Radomes

A16. Biomedical Applications

A17. MIMO Implementations and Applications

A18. Mobile and PCS Antennas

A19. Vehicular Antennas and Electromagnetics

A20. Software-defined/Cognitive Radio

A21. On-chip Antennas

A22. Wireless Power Transmission and Harvesting

A23. 3D Printed Antennas and Structures

A24. Millimeter-wave and Sub-mm-wave Antennas

A25. Terahertz, infrared, and Optical Antennas

A26. Other types of antennas


B. Propagation & Related Topics

B1. Mobile & Indoor Propagation & Modeling

B2. Millimeter & Optical Wave Propagation

B3. Propagation at THz Band

B4. Earth-Space & Terrestrial Propagation

B5. Radio Meteorology

B6. Remote Sensing

B7. SAR Polarimetry & Interferometry

B8. Tunnel Propagation

B9. Propagation in Ionized and Non-Ionized Media

B10. Radio Astronomy

B11. Ionospheric Modification

B12. Earth Space Sounding

B13. New Concept SAR

B14. Propagation in Random and Complex Media

B15. Propagation in Deep Space and Deep Sea

B16. Propagation with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence


C. Electromagnetic Theory

C1. Theoretical electromagnetics

C2. Nonlinear electromagnetics

C3. Transient fields and effects

C4. Ultra-wideband electromagnetics

C5. Bio-electromagnetics

C6. Geo-electromagnetics

C7. THz electromagnetics 

C8. Nano-electromagnetics

C9. Electromagnetic interaction and coupling

C10. Electromagnetic radiation, scattering and diffraction

C11. Guided waves and wave-guiding structures

C12. Frequency-selective surfaces and filters

C13. Metamaterials and metasurfaces

C14. 2D materials based structures

C15. Electromagnetic bandgap materials

C16. Electromagnetic absorbing materials

C17. Electromagnetic imaging, inverse scattering and sensing applications

C18. Electromagnetic stealth techniques

C19. Electromagnetic measurements

C20. Electromagnetic education


D. Computational Electromagnetics

D1. Integral Equation Methods

D2. Differential Equation Methods

D3. Domain Decomposition Methods

D4. Hybrid Techniques

D5. Optimization Methods in EM Designs

D6. Asymptotic & High-Frequency Techniques

D7. Fast Direct Methods

D8. Time Domain/Frequency Domain Methods;

D9. Multiscale and Multiphysics Computation;

D10. Low-Frequency Electromagnetics

D11. Computational Bioelectromagnetics

D12. Pre- & Post-Processing

D13. Learning Methods in CEM;

D14. High Performance Computing, Parallel and GPU Computations;

D15. Inverse Scattering and Imaging

D16. Novel Methods in CEM


E. Electromagnetic Environment Effects (E3), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) & Protection

E1. Electromagnetic environment effects (E3)

E2. Electromagnetic noise and interference sources

E3. Computational electromagnetics & multiphysics in electromagnetic compatibility and protection

E4. Model Validation

E5. Electromagnetic radiation hazards

E6. Intentional electromagnetic interferences

E7. Lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP)

E8. High power microwave (HPM)

E9. High-power electromagnetics

E10. Crosstalk

E11. Signal integrity

E12. Immunity and susceptibility

E13. EMC standards

E14. EMC design

E15. EMC test and measurement technologies

E16. Electromagnetic protection materials and devices

E17. On-chip EMC and protection

E18. EMC & protection in 3D integrated and packaging micro-systems

E19. EMC & protection in wireless communication and radar systems

E20. EMC& protection of warship platforms

E21. EMC & protection of space platforms

E22. EMC in automotive and high-speed trains

E23. EMC in power transmission systems

E24. Emerging EMC technologies


F. Wireless communication antennas and propagation related topics

F1. 5G and 6G terrestrial channel measurement and models

F2. 6G space-air-ground channel measurement and models

F3. RIS channel measurement and models

F4. Satellite channel measurement and models

F5. High-speed train channel measurements and models

F6. Vehicular to vehicular propagation and models

F7. IoT scenario channel propagation and models

F8. UAV scenario channel propagation and models

F9. Massive MIMO channel propagation and models

F10. Indoor, urban, terrestrial, tropospheric and ionospheric propagation

F11. Millimeter-wave, sub-mm-wave, terahertz, optical propagation and antennas

F12. Submarine channel measurement and models

F13. Channel sounding and parameter estimation techniques

F14. Channel emulation and test techniques

F15. Vehicular antennas and electromagnetics

F16. 5G and 6G multi-band and multiple-element antennas

F17. Radar, localization and sensing

F18. Standards progress and channel methodology 

F19. Intelligent radio environment using reconfigurable intelligent surfaces


G. Others

G1. High-Power Microwave Applications

G2. UWB & Impulse Applications

G3. Ubiquitous Network Systems

G4. Radio Technologies for Intelligent Transport Systems

G5. Subsurface Sensing


G7. Passive & Active Circuits

G8. Power Amplifiers, Linearization, & Active Components

G9. Millimeter Wave & Sub- Millimeter Wave Components, Circuits & Systems

G10. Signal Processing for Communications

G11. Advanced Process, Packaging & Integration Technologies

G12. 3D RF Technology

G13. Electromagnetic Materials

G14. Earthquake Precursors & Monitoring

G15. integrated Communications and Sensing System

G16. Other Related Topics


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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Oct 23



    Oct 26


  • Jul 05 2024

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Oct 26 2024

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
Chinese Institute of Electronics - CIE
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society