
To inspire, engage, and advance women in technology, whether in industry, academia, or government. The vision for the conference is to provide attendees with the opportunity to create communities that fuel innovation, facilitate knowledge sharing and provide support through highly interactive sessions designed to foster discussion and collaboration. IEEE WIE ILC focuses on providing leading-edge professional development for mid-level and senior-level women. Our objectives are to 1) provide relevant professional, leadership development content through sessions, workshops, keynotes, and creative and innovative methods; 2) provide opportunities for individuals to be connected with companies for recruiting, mentoring, and networking; 3) provide peer-to-peer networking and mentoring opportunities; and 4) continually iterate and innovate on the event, in order to deliver inclusive, interesting, engaging, and exciting opportunities for participants.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    May 15



    May 16


  • May 16 2025

    Registration deadline

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Women in Engineering